We defend all traffic offenses and can help with other legal matters as well. We assist with DUI / DWI charges, speeding, suspended license violations, red light camera violations, illegal u-turns, illegal lane changes, reckless driving, traffic accidents, drug possession, racing on the highway, driving while license suspended, criminal charges, and many more.

If you have been charged with a crime, the most important thing to do is to hire qualified legal representation as soon as you can. If you elect to pay for a fine you may be unwittingly admitting to guilt and therefore accepting the negative consequences of that choice.


If you are convicted of a DUI you could be facing jail time, having your license revoked, and having your car impounded. Worse, that conviction will stay on your driving record forever and can’t be erased. Our DUI attorneys may be able to help evaluate your case by weighing the evidence against you and determine the best course of action to build a strong defense and challenge a possible conviction to protect your driving record. A DUI / DWI matter should no be taken lightly.

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Criminal Charges

If it has anything to do with any criminal charges, we can help! Our attorneys deal with many types of criminal related matters and will fight to protect your rights. If you’ve been charged with a criminal offense, you should consider hiring an attorney right away.

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Reckless / Careless Driving

There is a big difference between failing to drive in an careful and prudent manner versus driving a motor vehicle with a willful and wanton disregard for safety of others. Reckless driving implies a specific state of mind and intent.

Careless driving is often a non criminal offense but carries hefty fines or points. Reckless driving is a criminal offense that can even carry a jail sentence as well as fines and points.

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Speeding Tickets

Speeding tickets are the most common type of traffic citation and often come when you least expect it. Let us help take the stress off!

Our knowledge base of expertise and technicalities and various defense strategies can help fight radar and laser evidence to help our clients save money and keep their driving records untarnished.

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Red Light Tickets

Red light cameras are a hotly contested topic and many people believe they are unfair. Our lawyers have been successful in fighting these tickets in many areas across the nation.

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Vehicle Accidents

Accidents are just that – unintentional. Unfortunately accidents can lead to higher insurance premiums and points on your driving record.

Our team of traffic attorneys can help represent you in court, and try to get your case dismissed. Many times we can avoid a conviction, points and driving school, all without you ever having to come to court. This can in turn help keep your insurance premiums down and your driving record untarnished.

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Suspended Licenses

We can help restore your driving privileges. Many things could lead to a suspended license such as unpaid tickets or honest mistakes. Our team of trained attorneys have developed winning strategies to helping our clients restore their driving privileges.

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All Traffic Offenses

If it has to do with a traffic offense, we can help! Our attorneys deal with many types of traffic related matters and will fight to protect your rights.

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Get Started

  • Average Cost
    of First DUI:
  • Average DUI Arrests
    Per Year:
    1 Million+
  • Average Length
    of Entire Process:
    6-12 mo.